
Market in the Park 2016


It’s almost time for the 6th annual Market in the Park at Old Mill Park in West Liberty. This annual event, held on the first weekend in August, just gets better and better every year. What a great way to Eat Local, Buy Local, support Morgan County makers and growers and celebrate community! This year, in addition to over 30 hobbyists/enthusiasts/artists/crafters/growers and bakers, the very first Market in the Park BBQ Competition will take place. You’ll be able to sample the hard work and delicious results of the competition on Saturday at noon, as a light lunch will be served, free to Market in the Park attendees. Blair House Antiques will be back again this year with their irresistible selection of vintage items, antiques and gadgets just like the ones your grandma and granddad had.

Also new this year is the first ever Race to the Market 5K! For a downloadable registration form or more information, follow the provided links or visit

Live entertainment will be provided during the event by the West Liberty Mountain Boys. We’re proud to have this young, accomplished group of musicians performing their favorites for us!


To see sneak peeks of items that will be available during Market in the Park, please follow the Market in the Park page on Facebook or follow West Liberty Tourism on social media.
