
Short and Company

We’re so happy to have Short & Company join us here in West Liberty for our next Live on the Licking. Hailing from Jackson, Ky and influenced by a wild-eyed range of guitarists such as Frank Zappa and Robin Trower, Jeremy Short, blessed with sweet Southern flowing vocal soul, – and his lock-step Company – testify there is plenty left to be said and added to the great scrolls of soul-shined Southern Rock.

With his newest release, “Lost In A Spin“, Short manages to deliver an entire album of tailored glimpses into life in small town Appalachia. Touching on the throes of addiction, his shameless love of a strong willed woman, and his need to escape and hit the road, Short shows he’s unafraid to share both where he’s coming from and what exactly he is hoping to accomplish.

Short & Company has quickly become a favorite on the regional festival and club scene and recently made it to the semi-finals of the International Blues Challenge. To learn more about Short & Company, visit the band’s website and listen to The River, featured below. Tell your friends, gather a car-load of folks, bring a picnic or grab some grub at one of our local eateries and join us September 7th at 8PM and enjoy the sounds and stories of this eastern Kentucky native.